Thursday, April 2, 2009

Today's trip to the Marché Bastille

Here's what I bought today at the Marché Bastille:
  • Strawberries from Spain
  • Cauliflower
  • A piece of veal
  • Fresh sheep's milk cheese (Don't believe you can get this in the U.S.)
  • 3 bananas
  • 6 more eggs
  • 3 yellow plums
  • 3 huge carrots
  • A falafel sandwich for lunch from a busy Lebanese vendor
I made conversation with the butcher and several others while buying food today. My goal by the end of the trip is to shop confidently in this market, making conversation with the vendors and paying the correct amount at each stand. I'm getting there. Smooth sailing abut 80% of the time today.

A good looking French man (who sold me the bananas and cauliflower) hit on me and asked for my telephone number. I explained to him (in French) that I was married. He told me that he is free, no wife to tie him down. He was amazed that I made him speak French to me and not English. I'm here aren't I? Why not speak the language?

I've been hit on several times over the last week. Some men (like Mr. Cauliflower) find it attractive that I'm an American in Paris. Others (like one a few days ago) are turned on when they think I'm a French speaking Canadian and distinctly not upon realizing that I am an American. Truthfully, I was grateful that the one a few days ago dislikes Americans. I want nothing to do with men who walk up to me on the street and try to woo me. So. Not. Attractive.

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