Sunday, April 5, 2009

A mellow afternoon and evening

I napped and lazed around the apartment after I got home from the market.

Before making dinner, I decided to take a walk by the Seine. I crossed the bridge over to Ile St. Louis and then over to the Rive Gauche. I noticed the entrance to a lovely walking path and park along the river and joined the various Parisians and tourists already enjoying the park's charms.

I had happened on the Jardin Des Plantes. The garden runs along the Seine, crosses a major boulevard and widens out into a large park and zoo. This park is free to the public on Sundays between September and June. Lots of small children, parents, average Parisians, and an occasional tourist. Beautiful tulips and other flowers were in bloom. I can easily see why Paris is so special in the springtime.

I then wandered on into the Latin Quarter and 5th arrondissement. I saw an amazing Mediterranean pastry shop, lots of bistros, and many cute shops. I eventually made my way to the Metro station and hopped a train home.

I sautéed my cauliflower, grilled my veal chop, and cut another big slice of the artisan bread and slathered on some butter. I cut a small piece of the flan tarte for dessert. My younger sister, Laura, added Skype to her computer and kept me company while I cooked and ate. It was good to hear her voice.

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