Saturday, April 25, 2009

Chartres: Not Just Another Church

I did whine and complain just a little when Nino decided he wanted to go out to see the Notre Dame Cathedral at Chartres. I was unconvinced that this one was going to be different until he told me that this is a UNESCO World Heritage site. I was still skeptical though that it was going to be worth the 27 Euros per person in train tickets and the 90 minute Metro/train trip, but I chose to humor him and go anyway.

Chartres turned out to be not just another church. To begin with, it's massive and in excellent condition for an 800 year old building. This is the fifth church that has stood on this site. The stain glass windows and stone work were artful and awe-inspiring. I could feel the history in the floors and walls, lit by flickering candlelight. I lit a candle and sat in the pews before the pearwood, carved statue of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus. It was well worth both the time and money to visit.

After the church, Nino went hog wild in old town buying regional liquors, chocolates, cheese, and other gourmet goodies. I had fun watching him have fun and translating as we went. I have gotten much more comfortable with speaking to people now - whether or not I understand everything they say and they understand everything I say.

We took the train and Metro back to the apartment in the evening. Nino cooked pasta (which he bought himself from the Marché Bastille) and cut up the artisanal cheese. I drank too much red wine. :)

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