Thursday, April 30, 2009

FInishing with a bang

Tuesday was all about getting ready to head back to Portland. I spent the morning packing before Nino and I headed to the bistro next to the apartment for lunch.

Le Temps de la Cerisaie is a tiny, tiny bistro that is literally about ten steps from the front door of my apartment building. They can seat about 20 people in all and they ended up putting us at a table of four with another couple. The food was outstanding. Nino had roast chicken with rice and carrots. I had a grilled salmon with rice. For dessert, Nino had an amazing chocolate cake with a gooey center. And I ate a delicious apple rhubarb crumble. Finished the meal off with an espresso - a habit I will have difficulty breaking breaking in Portland.

After lunch, I took the Metro back to the French Alliance for an end of month exam. Once again, the Metro system alerted me that my monthly pass was due to run out at the end of April. Sigh... I already knew that and it was a bit of salt in my wound to be reminded every time I entered the Metro. Several of my classmates including Rita from Italy, Olga from Russia, Madli from Estonia, and Jaoutay from Korea also took the test. We hung out together and chatted before undertaking the 2 hour oral and written exam. I was thoroughly exhausted afterwards.

I stopped for a crepe on the way home from school - a lemon and sugar crepe which has become my favorite. Unfortunately, the creepy crepe chef professed his love for me and then tried to follow me home. I was glad to go back to the apartment where Nino was waiting for me. I admit I was a little paranoid since Nino and I had been talking about the movie Taken just the day before. And although I enjoy the occasional flirting and indication of interest, stalking is not sexy.

Nino and I finished the trip with a bang by having dinner at Le Cinq, the signature restaurant at the Four Seasons George V. The George V is considered one of the top hotels in Paris. I wish I could remember every course - but after about 12 of them and as much as we had to drink that would be nearly impossible. Here's my best effort though.

The evening began with glasses of rosé champagne, a drink I will now forever associate with this trip. As an appetizer, I had the foie gras with strawberry foam on a bed of rhubarb. I've never been a fois gras fan, but figured if I was ever going to try it again then this was the place to do it. It was an inspired choice and I can now better understand people's undying love of foie gras. Our waiter poured me a special glass of sweet red wine to pair with the dish.

For dinner, we chose to share the lamb shoulder. They carved it right at our table and presented it for two courses in different ways. The first course of lamb was paired with a green harissa sauce and vegetables like watercress and carrots. The second preparation was over a small green salad. It was melt in your mouth incredible. Lamb has never tasted this amazing. We shared a bottle of red wine recommended by the server.

The cheese cart came by shortly after. It was the cheese cart to end all cheese carts. As the server quietly, slowly slid open the glass case on wheels, the fragrant aroma of cheese goodness filled the air. I took a long sniff and the server admitted she too loved the smell. We let her choose the cheeses for us. I remember delightful slices of mimoletta (hard, bright orange cheese like cheddar), St. Nectaire, Roquefort, and Camembert.

We were hurting at this point, but we still wanted dessert. We shared a fruit and cream dessert with flaky pastry layers, a Saint Honoré Aux Fruits Rouges.

And then the chocolate cart stopped by. Yet another server (the chocolate expert) helped us choose from caramels, chocolates, nougatine, and other tiny delights to pair with our after dinner drinks. Nino opted for a 1950 cognac and I had a decaf espresso. Nino couldn't stop oohing and ahing over his choice. I had a sip and gagged. To each his own. They gave us each a small box of fruit caramels to take home.

The bill was the moment of reckoning. I was pretty full from dinner and the price did actually floor me. I can say it was an incredible night that we'll never forget, but I can say I don't anticipate ever spending that much on dinner again.

We rolled ourselves out of the restaurant after 3 1/2 hours of culinary goodness and took the Metro back to the apartment one last time.

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