Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Adjusting back to reality

Nino arrived on Monday. So, Tuesday was our first day back together. Both of us are independent by nature, so readjusting back to the other has been a bit difficult.

I went to class yesterday and had another fun day with Jean Charles. We worked on oral exercises until I thought my brain would bleed. The subtle differences in sound were difficult for everyone in the class, even the students who speak Romantic languages like Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese. I am getting better though. In fact, I plan to take the end of the month test offered by the Alliance Française next week to test just how much progress I've made.

I got back from class about 12:30pm to discover Nino in his PJs. The afternoons are my time to head out and explore the city, so having to wait for him to get ready was not a good start. We had trouble deciding where to go for lunch and by 1:30pm I was rapidly losing patience. We ultimately decided on a small casual cafe where we both had sandwiches. Then we spent the afternoon going to several monastery product shops so Nino could buy products made by monks and a few churches. I was soooo bored it hurt. But, I went along anyway.

We took long naps and then headed to the Ile St. Louis for dinner. Nino chose a prix fixe meat-focused establishment called Nos Ancetres Les Gaulois which was better than I expected. The atmosphere was SUPER touristy, but the food was good. The French couple next to us was eavesdropping on our conversation and then made a rude comment about what I was saying on one point during the meal. I wish I had been quick enough to interject, but wasn't.

After dinner, we took a romantic walk along the Seine and stopped by a small bar in our neighborhood for a digestif. We were both a little tipsy by the time we got back to the apartment.

We both slept in late this morning. I made French toast, eggs, and coffee for breakfast. It's 12:30pm and I'm currently waiting for Nino to get ready. I showered and was ready about 45 minutes ago. It's definitely an adjustment to wait for someone else again.

Today, we're off to see the Cluny Museum of art from the middle ages, another church, and perhaps some of the sites in the St. Germain des Pres neighborhood.

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