Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Final List

I've been writing this list in my head for a few weeks and hope I can remember.

What I will miss about Paris:
  • The sound of small French children speaking the language
  • The efficient Metro system
  • The culture and long history (museums, old buildings)
  • Emphasis on the importance of slowing down to eat a meal
  • The daily, year round outdoor markets
  • Walking by the Seine River
  • Speaking the language
  • The utterly overwhelming cheese selections
  • Musicians in the Metro system
  • The divergence of so many cultures in one place
  • Seeing the Eiffel Tower when you least expect to or aren't looking for it
  • Amazing train options like Eurostar
What I will not miss about Paris:
  • Annoying French teenagers on the Metro
  • The smells of the Metro
  • Produce that comes from Peru and far off places instead of locally grown options
  • The crowds

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