Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Paris Marathon & the Obamas made my day

I am totally, overwhelmingly in love with Paris.

I gulped down two eggs, fruit salad, yogurt, and coffee to walked not 20 steps from my apartment to Boulevard Henri IV to watch the Paris marathon. I walk down this road probably 3 times per day to get the Metro.

This morning, the entire boulevard was shut down for the marathon. About 50 EMTs were hanging out at the end of my street. Long water stations were set up along the sides of the street. The boulevard was filled with spectators, reporters, and well wishers waiting for the first runners.

A cheer went up from the crowd when the first African runners went by (Kenyan I suspect). Even the EMTs were snapping photos. A full marching band was positioned just down the street and struck up a tune when the lead car and first runners went by.

Families cheered on their husbands, wives, sons, and grandchildren. I stayed for almost an hour watching, cheering, and listening to the band. Many shouted "Allez" to encourage the runners to keep going.

I saw one man running and pushing his handicapped daughter. A Japanese man was dressed as Minnie Mouse. My favorite spectator was a little French girl in a red coat with a brown bear umbrella that had a sign attached that said "Allez Papa!"

And, of course, a few spectators who chose to get dressed up Bay to Breakers style and then join the race for about a block. Two were dressed as clowns, one man was in a pink speedo (Hot!), and the three of them pretended to chase a girl with a slinky dress and huge balloons stuffed in her bra/dress.

The marathon plus all of the photos with the Obamas and Sarkozys here in Strasbourg, France for the 60th anniversary of NATO make me feel so alive and happy to be in Paris right now. I feel like I couldn't have come at a better time.

Watching the Obamas and their warm reception in London and here in France makes me swell with pride to be an American. For the first time in several years, I'm not afraid to admit to being American while traveling abroad.

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