Saturday, April 4, 2009

Loved Slumdog Millionaire

I went and saw Slumdog Millionaire this evening. I wrongly assumed it would be in English with French subtitles. The nice young woman selling the tickets politely asked if I understood French. I said I did and decided to stick around and see how much I could understand. I figured I could leave if it was over my head. Better to try and fail, than not try at all.

This was a great movie to choose because I already knew the basic plot and so much of it is images and facial expressions. The only words that were really important were the questions, all written on the screen in English. I understood a lot of the dialogue and stuck around for the whole film.

I wasn't expecting the violence, but it fit despite utterly shocking me. I cried at the end when he got the girl. Sad, but beautiful. Can totally understand why it won the Oscar.

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