Sunday, April 5, 2009

Another Sunday at the Marché Bastille

I finally bought one of the delicious smelling roast chickens, half of one for a paltry 4 Euros or so.

I also bought:
  • Fresh butter (It's a wedge wrapped up in plastic, with a paper wrapper.)
  • A half loaf of fresh bread (The French call it crustless English bread)
  • Fresh mint (simply so I can smell it)
  • Orange-yellow tulips
  • 2 red peppers
  • 3 bananas
  • Saint Marcellin cheese (Soft, cow's milk cheese from Lyon)
  • A cheese souflé
  • Fresh pita bread from the Lebanese vendor
  • A half round of natural, baked flan
The chicken (which I ate for lunch) tasted as good as it smelled. It practically fell off the bone. I shamelessly admit that I licked my fingers. I cut one slice of bread and spread on some of the fresh butter. I've been trying to think of another way to describe it, but the bread plus butter was simply orgasmic.

Fresh herbs were in abundance today. A couple of the vendors just sold rosemary, basil, dill, mint, and other green/fresh herbs.

1 comment:

  1. can you believe that butter. it's like spreading heaven on your bread. i like butter, but i'd marry that stuff if it was legal.

