Monday, April 6, 2009

Sick with allergies

I'm sick with allergies today. Unfortunately, the tulips I bought at the Sunday market were loaded with pollen. So, the beautiful flowers sadly went into the trash this afternoon.

I did venture out today to the Guimet Museum of Asian Art this afternoon. I meant to go to the Museum of Modern Art and the Tokyo Palace, but they were both closed. The Guimet had a lovely Asian fusion café on the bottom floor where I had lunch. I started with a salad with duck, avocado, raspberries, lettuce, tempura like cruncy bits, and strawberr vinaigrette. The main cntrée was several small dishes including white rice, 2 pieces of dim sum, a chicken skewer, and a delicious white fish in a peanut curry sauce. Dessert was the best: 3 little coconut mochi like dumplings served warm.

The museum had an extensive collection of art from throughout Asia. I particularly enjoyed the Chinese porcelains and Japanese paintings. A lot of it was closed today though. Since I was pretty tired, I just headed home.

Took a short nap. And then spent the evening talking to Nino and the dogs via Skype while I made dinner, ate, did homework, and finally took the photos off my camera.

Dinner tonight: Saint Marcellin creamy cheese and 1/2 baguette to start. 1 chicken breast with fresh mint and lemon juice, a small cheese souflée, and boiled cauliflower with fresh butter. I ended with a small slice of the natural flan tarte from Sunday's market and a cup of chamomile tea with milk.

Will surrender shortly to my allergies and go to bed early tonight. I have fresh sheets to sleep on since the maid came and cleaned my apartment today. The fresh sheets and cleaned breakfast dishes were nice; the vinegar like cleaning smell not so much.

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