Saturday, April 18, 2009

David & Adnan's international dinner party

About 12 people came over to David and Adnan's flat for dinner last night. A really fascinating group of people with such different backgrounds and perspectives. It was a good mix of men and women who have lived in so many different places around the world including Dubai, Pakistan, New York, Lebanon, Paris, Rome, and lots of other places.

I particularly enjoyed meeting two Pakistani women who are both accomplished professionally, married, mothers, and Moslem. Their perspective on the Arab world was eye-opening. One of the ladies grew up in Dubai from the time she was 4 until 17 when she moved to Boston for college.

The mother of one of David's friends joined us. She has lived all over the world including 8 years in Paris, 11 years in Rome, time in Lebanon, and is currently in the Eastern U.S.

Two of the women work in the fashion industry. One of them is a writer for Elle Magazine U.S. who covers fashion weeks around the world.

And, at least half of the people in attendance spoke excellent French.

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