Monday, April 6, 2009

Another day with Jean Charles

When I got to class today, Sara was sitting right next to my normal desk. I thought: Damn, she wants to sit next to me to speak English. And she did want to speak a little English, but I think she also chose to sit near me so she could learn. We talked a little bit at the break about her house in LA and living in France. And she's actually pretty good at written French, she's just slower to put the words together orally. We're really at about the same level. And I'm starting to like her.

After class, I headed to the pharmacy for allergy drugs. The flowers are blooming and so are my allergies. I could barely make it through class. I felt very proud that I explained my symptoms to the pharmacist in French. And then he asked me several questions in French before giving me Zyrtec and some throat lozenges. The lozenges are honey rose flavored. It seems like an odd combination, but they taste good. The pharmacist very sternly told me not to take more than 6 per day (the package says 4). I have no idea what's in the lozenges, but those suckers most be strong. I feel better already.

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