Saturday, April 25, 2009

My last Saturday in Paris

Nino and I slept late this morning. We didn't get up until 10:30am or so.

We stopped by a small café for a quick cup of coffee and snack before walking to the Marché Aligre. I've wanted to check this market out for awhile and finally went today. It is a daily fruit and veggie market about 3/4 mile from the apartment. It was a nice walk to the market on a cool day. And I loved strolling through the stands looking at produce and listening to the vendors. I didn't need anything though since Nino bought so much at the Marché Bastille on Thursday. I dragged Nino to Planet Sushi for lunch on the way back to the apartment.

I walked through the art market held every Saturday at the Bastille and Nino headed back to the apartment. I tried to go to the Opera Garnier again today and again the auditorium was closed for rehearsal. Supposedly, it's open tomorrow. We'll see.

Instead, I took the metro to the Musée Maillol, a museum containing the art and collection of Aristide Maillol. I only vaguely knew he was a sculptor during Rodin's time. I enjoyed the sculptures and paintings by him as well as by French painter, Seraphine. I still prefer Rodin, but looking at sculptures is a great way to spend any afternoon.

I came home to the apartment for a long nap and a hot shower before dinner this evening.

This evening, Nino and I dined at what has become my favorite restaurant in Paris, La Cigale Recamier. La Cigale Recamier is known for their excellent soufflés. The guide book I have recommended ordering three soufflés: appetizer, dinner, and dessert. And they were UNBELIEVABLE.

Nino and I both started with the small Basque soufflés, flavored with red pepper, thinly sliced ham, and cheese. For dinner, Nino opted for the nightly special: an asparagus soufflé. I took the server's recommendation and ordered the Henri IV soufflé, a mixture of cheese, spices, and chicken. If I've tasted something else better in Paris, I really can't remember what it was. I don't think there is anything more French than a great soufflé.

Dessert is where I made my only error of the evening. I ordered the chocolate mint soufflé which turned out to be a very mint soufflé with only a little bit of chocolate. It was good, but not nearly as divine as Nino's caramel soufflé. The caramel soufflé had been described by my book as the best soufflé on the menu. Nino couldn't finish, so I helped him out and finished his instead of mine.

I ordered and conversed entirely in French with the server and staff. The waiter complimented me on my French, which makes me very proud. When the waiter left, Nino rolled his eyes and asked me what in the world I am going to do back in Portland when people don't feel the need to boost my ego every day by complimenting by language skills. What indeed?

I wanted to walk home through St. Germain des Pres, but I lost Rock Paper Scissors to Nino and had to take the Metro back to the apartment instead. I used the time to finally catch up on my blog, although I had to share the tiny couch with Nino while doing it. :)

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