Friday, April 17, 2009

Taking London by storm (Rain storm that is)

I've always wanted to just take the train from one European country to the next, touring as I went. It really is great to just hop on a train and go from Paris to London, especially when you're sitting in business class on the Eurostar.

I arrived at London's Pancras station this morning around 9:30am. I'm staying with Nino's super cool cousin, David, (one of the 4 Pagliaro brothers) and his partner, Adnan. After getting my bearings, I took the Underground (aka The Tube) to Covent Garden to meet Adnan at his office for the apartment/flat keys. This is the first time I've met Adnan and I loved him within 5 minutes.

Flat keys in hand, I got back on the Tube and headed for the Gloucester Road stop on the Piccadilly Line. I trudged about 3 blocks from the station to the apartment and found it with little problem. David and Adnan have a lovely 1-bedroom flat on a quintessential English street called Rosary Gardens. Identical looking brick row houses line either side for about a quarter mile. I dropped my small suitcase off and headed right back out.

Lunch today: fish and chips at an English pub called Museum Tavern. It's right across the street from the British Museum. It was bustling and warm on a grey, cool day like today. Lots of Londoners and a few tourists filled the place to capacity. I took a stool at the bar, near the many taps of beer.

First stop on my itinerary was the British Museum. I missed this when I was here 11 years ago and wanted to see it this time. I saw the Rosetta Stone up close and more Egyptian mummies than I've ever seen in one place. The British Museum x-rayed one of the mummies and discovered that the corpse was still intact after all these years. Gross and little too-Hollywood for me.

Next stop: Bond Street and Claridge's. I went to Claridge's back in 1998 for tea and desperately wanted to go back again. Unfortunately, I didn't plan ahead and they're booked solid. I stopped in to see if there had been any cancellations, but I was out of luck. I wandered around the Bond Street area, but didn't see much else that interested me. It's pretty much high end boutiques, many of which have similar items to what's offered in Paris or even Portland.

I got back on the Tube and headed for Portabello Road and Notting Hill. Admittedly, I've probably seen too many movies set in London including Notting Hill with Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts. Alas, Hugh Grant (or a look alike) was not running a quaint bookstore along the stretch. (That's alright since I'm more of a Colin Firth lover anyway.)

The actual, charming Portabello Road has antique shops, a flea market, newer goods stores, coffee shops, restaurants, and street vendors selling fruits, veggies, meats, and seafood. Of course, I found the cupcake bakery Hummingbird Bakery. The red velvet cupcake was excellent. It gave Portland-based Saint Cupcake a run for its money and this bakery is far better than the famous Magnolia Bakery in New York. I enjoyed looking at the antiquarian books, vintage costume jewelry, stationary, and china. The street also has several clockmakers/repair shops. Fascinating, interesting window shopping if nothing else.

I stopped at Progreso Coffee on Portabello Road for a cappuccino and a sausage/potato tart. The sprinkling turned into a full fledged rainstorm. I sat at a counter by the window watching the rain fall, people walking by, and the colorful fruits & veggies being sold by the grocer in front of Progreso. It was awesome.

Took the Tube back to the flat to meet David. He was home from work by this time and we had a chance to chat before the big dinner party tonight. David and Adnan have invited 12 people over to their home this evening for a very international dinner party. Friends of their from the U.S., Lebanon, Pakistan, India, and more are supposedly coming to dinner.

I love my life. If I didn't have the life I do, then I'd definitely want David's.

It's still raining and grey while I write this from the apartment. I feel inspired to curl up with a good book. I think tomorrow I am going to find some used bookstores and browse to my heart's content.

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