Monday, April 20, 2009

Au revoir London, Bonjour Nino

Yesterday, I spent my last day in London. David, Adnan, and I went to the Columbia Road Flower Market and the Spitalfields market. It was wonderful to spend one on one time with the two of them. They are an amazing couple, so in love. Being with them and meeting so many of their friends has totally changed my view on gay marriage in the U.S. I've always believed in civil unions, but I just can't see how the world would be harmed by letting charming couples like this marry. I think D&A may understand and appreciate each other better than most heterosexual couples that I know.

The flower market had mass amounts of people as did the antique/new goods market at Spitalfields. David and Adnan know all of the primo spots for coffee in this part of London; we must have stopped 3 times for cappuccinos. The two of them bought two dining chairs in bright orange plastic and a kitcshy, but very cool red plastic dog (it lights up too). Believe it or not, both the chairs and the dog work great in their flat. They both have an eye for decorating, something that (unfortunately) I was not born with.

Around lunchtime, David and Adnan headed home to have a quiet afternoon. I stayed behind at Spitalfields, grabbed lunch, and continued to browse. I next went to the Tate Modern museum. To get there, I walked over the beautiful Thames River on the Milennium Pedestrian Bridge. The art at the museum didn't grab me, but the location definitely did. Shakespeare's Globe Theatre is right next door to the Tate. I grabbed another coffee and sat by the Thames River watching the young families and people out and about on a gorgeous afternoon. I walked back to the Underground past St. Paul's Cathedral. I couldn't resist sitting down on the steps of the Cathedral and soaking up the late afternoon sun.

I got back to David and Adnan's to discover that an impromptu garden party was in progress. Apparently, a friend who lives nearby was having a BBQ. When David and Adnan chose to stay home, 6+ friends brought the party over to them and their new patio. David came inside to see if I needed anything else before I took off. I told him what a good life I thought he had. He replied, "You think?"

Took the Underground, Eurostar Business Class, and then the Metro back to the apartment.

I had another fun class with Jean Charles today. A young woman from Italy joined the class and we role played ordering food in a restaurant. Admittedly, my mind wasn't on class with Nino arriving. I rushed home at exactly 12pm and found Nino just arrived at the apartment.

Yeah!!!! Nino and I couldn't stop talking to each all afternoon. We had lunch at a sunny sidewalk café near the apartment. Then, I let him take a nap while I ran errands. We cooked dinner at home (baguette, fromage w/dried apricots, steak, sautéed red pepper/onion/aubergine, and a good bottle of red wine).

After dinner, I dragged Nino out of the apartment to take a walk by the Seine. We watched as the last vestiges of sunlight disappeared on the horizon. I took Nino on a walk along the Ile St. Louis. We stopped at Berthillon for ice cream and then went to Notre Dame to see the cathedral all lit up. It was quiet, romantic evening. And it was wonderful to see him after 3+ weeks.

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