Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What I did today

After French class, I headed down the Boulevard Raspail towards the Rodin Museum. I found a small marché right down the center of the avenue. I purchased some items for dinner this evening and continued on looking for a place for lunch.

I made a left on the Rue Grenelle which I read had some charming shops and bistros. I passed an amazing cheese shop closed for siesta and an Italian grocer.

I settled on a bustling French brasserie a few blocks off the main road for lunch. Once seated, I perused the menu and thought I had a decision. Until the waiter showed me the specials board. I chose the filet in bearnaise sauce with pommes frites off the board. The waiter asked me in English if I wanted the steak medium or well done. I answered in French with the right word for "rare." I could see he was taken aback that I knew the right word. He complimented my French and was impressed right up until I ordered an iced tea. When I chose not to have wine with lunch or an espresso at the end, he imperceptibly shook his head in wonder. Damn Americans. :)

Next stop: the Rodin Museum. It was a beautiful day to wander the garden and see the amazing statues. French schoolchildren were in abundance today; some were playing tag in the back. I took tons of photos of the sculptures. And I caught a glimpse of the Eiffel Tower from the garden. I also bought a naked man Rodin postcard for my friend Chris who could use more loving in her life.

For some reason, I have never visited the Hotel des Invalides and the French Army museum. This monument is the massive gold dome in the center of Paris. I've probably taken photos from afar on previous trips. Napoleon 1 is buried in a gargantuan tomb under the dome. The dome is stunningly beautiful inside; colorful murals line the inside. For wine lovers, French general Marechal Foch is also entombed here.

I tried to take the Metro at Rue de Varennes but was thwarted when I couldn't buy a ticket. I had to walk to the opposite side of Invalides and was richly rewarded with a full view of the Eiffel Tower across the gardens. Found the Metro and headed home.

Today is the 120th anniversary of the dedication of the Eiffel Tower. Happy birthday, Eiffel Tower.

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